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Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana

Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana
Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana
Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana
Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana
Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana
Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana
Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana
Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana

Autism Treatment Center in Ludhiana

As per the studies shows that autism spectrum disorder is the result of interruption or disturbance in brain and physical development of child. These disruptions cause result in low motor and cognitive abilities. As we know autism is not a mental disorder this can be cure if you are aware from the earlier and mild symptoms in your child.

Autism treatment is categorised into 3 ways.

1. Multidisciplinary approach. ( OT, CBT, SIT)
2. Medicines.
3. Diet Plan.

 1. Multidisciplinary approach

Multidisciplinary approach include all type of physical, mental and core behaviour therapies to overcome autism symptoms like hyper or lack of attention. OT, CBT, SIT and ST are quite popular these days for the healthy growth of your child.

OT (Occupational therapy)

Occupational therapy is used to treat hyper activities, repetitive body movements and attention skills.
All equipments which are nature friendly are used to treat autistic symptoms. Today has the tremendous demand for Occupational therapy.

CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)

CBT is very effective therapy to deal with coordination along with mental, emotional, behavioral and physical movements. Children who have lack of understanding and attention power, CBT can be useful for them.

SIT (Sensory integration therapy)

Sensory integration therapy is used to stimulate all senses together so that child can do focus and understand the situation or thing. There are some children who does not react when insect has bitten them. Neither they cry nor call their parents. Mud therapies are the unique ways to improving their stimulation power in SIT.

ST (Speech therapy)
Children who have trouble in speaking or communication, speech therapy should be provided. Children facing delayed speech, language and communication skills usually appeared to be stammering, skip alphabets from words, wrong pronounciation of alphabet etc.

Special Education

Special Education is only for special children who are down-syndromes, slow learners and other moderate and severe types of children. There are group and individual education is provided so that they can learn basic education and enjoy their lives.

2. Medicines

Medicines are less effective than physical and mind therapies. Medicines can be useful for seizure disorder in your child. Anticonvulsants can treat seizures. But proper medical consultation is required before having medicines for autistic and down- syndrome children. Psychoactive and psychotic medicines should be prohibited for hyper children.

3. Diet planning

Diet has the main role for every growth of organism on this earth. Many precautions and myths are there to treat autistic children.

In our Hope centre first we do assess of a child then we come to point of diet plans along with therapies so that diet can help them to fulfill health goals. Every diet is different according to the metabolism system of every child so same diet should not be followed for all children. We also say good diet good therapy so our team will help you to fulfill diet plans for your child.

Are you looking for Autism Treatment Therapy Centre in Ludhiana?

Your search may ends here and you are at right place, Hope Centre for Autism Treatment in Ludhiana City, can help you. Our experienced, professional, Speech & Autism Therapists have been changing lives by helping your children / kid communicate & behave better with their families, teachers & the society.

So, Don't Wait!! Contact Us Now.

Ludhiana Address:

Hope Centre for Autism Treatment
369, Main Road Kitchlu Nagar, Near Petrol Pump, Ludhiana-141001. Punjab, INDIA


+91-98766-31677, +91-98763-31677